
Unrivaled Customer Satisfaction

    Great job guys! Process was smooth as silk. Customer service was right on point, and everything worked perfectly.
    Found this service while browsing SDN threads for computer recommendations for med school. Someone posted HPSP can rent laptops and have it reimbursed every year so it's essentially free, so when I finished school, I can just return the laptop and get a new one for residency. The laptop selection was good and found exactly what I wanted. Also the process isn't too complicated, and the service is very helpful. I had some minor issues with my laptop (my fault) but the service was very understanding that "things happen" and I was pleased with how they handled it. I would definitely recommend laptops for military docs for all hpsp even with laptops already since it's practically free.
    Laptops for Military Docs provides a unique service that allows you to take full advantage of the benefits offered by the HPSP. The laptops are brand new and have served me well during my time in medical school. The process was super smooth and I highly recommend using their company!

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